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Senin, 26 Desember 2011
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Label: Peluang Usaha
Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011
Starting a Business on Internet
Starting a Business on Internet
Every person who was going to start a business on the internet, usually asking how and from where one should start? Answer each person can indeed vary, but I'll answer it like this:
Part One: What is at this point, you already have an offline business? both of which sell their own products, sell other people's products or offer services? have a shop, small business, SMEs, and so on. If the answer is yes, I tend to suggest that he immediately thought of how he could use the internet as a medium to leverage (create leverage) existing business today.
If your business is selling products, then you can create a website to showcase your products, give you a contact person email and tel / hp on the website and you can start selling.
And if your current business is business services, you can search for online clients on the internet with your website. For business services, you can display your portfolio you've ever done, a list of offline clients who had used the services you and your show is also on the website and use the Internet to find new clients.
In a way, the internet has a separate market is different from offline. By starting your business on the internet, meaning you enlarge your market. You will have a moving business offline and online to sell products or offer your services. Expected sales will increase or double = P.
If your business is selling products, then you can create a website to showcase your products, give you a contact person email and tel / hp on the website and you can start selling.
And if your current business is business services, you can search for online clients on the internet with your website. For business services, you can display your portfolio you've ever done, a list of offline clients who had used the services you and your show is also on the website and use the Internet to find new clients.
In a way, the internet has a separate market is different from offline. By starting your business on the internet, meaning you enlarge your market. You will have a moving business offline and online to sell products or offer your services. Expected sales will increase or double = P.
In this first part, the skills you need is:
- Expertise to his website. This you can do yourself by learning how to create a website for your business or it could also pay a programmer to create your website.
- The next skill you can learn the skill of internet marketing, namely how you market your products online. If your website is finished, of course, sales could not come by itself. You need to promote your website. So there are two things you need to learn.
- Expertise to his website. This you can do yourself by learning how to create a website for your business or it could also pay a programmer to create your website.
- The next skill you can learn the skill of internet marketing, namely how you market your products online. If your website is finished, of course, sales could not come by itself. You need to promote your website. So there are two things you need to learn.
Part Two: In the second part is for people who do not have any products to be sold and not also have services to offer. So my advice is starting to learn affiliate marketing learn to market the products of others by following an affiliate program. Your income will be obtained if you manage to sell the affiliate products you are taking.
All you need is to choose an affiliate program that sells a particular product. Can affiliate programs locally and from abroad. Can pay per lead (paid by the prospect acquired) and can also pay per sales (paid only if the prospect is buying).
After you select an affiliate program that works for you then is to learn to market it. Give yourself a target, for example, my target yield of at least 5 sales, new when you have achieved then you will go to the next stage of learning.
In this second part, the skills you need is:All you need is to choose an affiliate program that sells a particular product. Can affiliate programs locally and from abroad. Can pay per lead (paid by the prospect acquired) and can also pay per sales (paid only if the prospect is buying).
After you select an affiliate program that works for you then is to learn to market it. Give yourself a target, for example, my target yield of at least 5 sales, new when you have achieved then you will go to the next stage of learning.
- Expertise to market the product (internet marketing). You can begin to think about how you promote it. Tips from me, you need to know clearly who the people who would be interested in buying the affiliate product, what kind of people, and most importantly, the location for them is on the internet.
If the affiliate product you choose to learn about the stock example, then you can start looking for the location for people who are interested to learn the stock assembly. Can the forum about the stock, could be in mailing lists and so on. And you do is introduce them to their affiliate product. And later, when you promote the right to market, usually living alone statistically speaking, for example from 100 people who click your affiliate links, no one is buying and so on.
Give the target to be achieved, and when it is achieved, start by learning to the next level by promoting affiliate programs is by using a special website to promote affiliate products (learning to build a list and also SEO) or you want to start selling your own products can also, because You now have a way of successfully generating sales for you.
Do you have another opinion? You can comment on the comment form below
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Label: Peluang Usaha
Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
Investors or Speculators
Investors or speculators There are a few characters or a psychological approach to every person when he began to plunge in trading activity, whether he is acting as an investor or act as a speculator. This you need to understand that you can "detect" your own self, whether in running your trading activity acts as an investor or as a speculators.
Trader types Investor An investor is someone who memberli something in the hope that something which he bought later in life will experience increases in value so that there is any excess of which is a form of benefits that would he achieved. The time period within the period of this investment can be in the span of weeks, months or even years.
Traders Speculators Type A speculator is someone yag buy or sell something in order to make profits in a short time without the intention to resist orders that he buy or sell for the long-term goals. A spekulatr sometimes run their business in just a few minutes, hours and a maximum of probably only a matter of weeks. A trader who did the sell / buy dozens of times in one day (intraday traders) can be regarded as a speculator. One example is the successful speculator George Soros. He never made a fortune of millions of dollars in a day of action on speculation that he had done. Even though not a direct responsibility of Soros, the Russian economy has experienced shocks as Soros threw the issue of the fall of stock prices in Russia up to 12%. Five days after the issue was thrown, there was a devaluation of the ruble by 25%. One of the interesting statement from George Soros is, "It is not too important to say that this is true or false, but more important is the extent to which you can earn money when you do the right thing and how much money you lost when you made a mistake ". With the description just now, you should be able to understand the difference between investors and speculators clearly so that you can then decide yourself, whether acting as an investor or as a speculator. Questions about whether you are an investor or speculator is a question of your own psychological aspect.
Which Currency Pair Recognize You Play & time-time to make trades before you trade you remember the discussion in front of the familiar direct and indirect is not it? For example: Pair GBP / USD is a pair Direct (GBP versus USD), euro weakened then the graph will go down. Forex trading does take place 24 hours non-stop start running from the Australian market at around 4:00 pm Early morning and then went on opening the Japanese market from 07:00 am morning forwarded europe market opening at 14:30 pm and ends the evening on the markets Americans are open at 20:30 pm the night and closed around 4:30 am early morning hours. Based on experience, the role of time or very influential trading session on the final result we win or lose. At first glance the outline goes flat prices on all morning until late afternoon when the western part of Indonesia. New on the European market session prices began to squirm and usually are formed and a peak in the U.S. market session. At the session of the American market there are great opportunities to earn great profits with a short time as long as we can position themselves appropriately.
Trader types Investor An investor is someone who memberli something in the hope that something which he bought later in life will experience increases in value so that there is any excess of which is a form of benefits that would he achieved. The time period within the period of this investment can be in the span of weeks, months or even years.
Traders Speculators Type A speculator is someone yag buy or sell something in order to make profits in a short time without the intention to resist orders that he buy or sell for the long-term goals. A spekulatr sometimes run their business in just a few minutes, hours and a maximum of probably only a matter of weeks. A trader who did the sell / buy dozens of times in one day (intraday traders) can be regarded as a speculator. One example is the successful speculator George Soros. He never made a fortune of millions of dollars in a day of action on speculation that he had done. Even though not a direct responsibility of Soros, the Russian economy has experienced shocks as Soros threw the issue of the fall of stock prices in Russia up to 12%. Five days after the issue was thrown, there was a devaluation of the ruble by 25%. One of the interesting statement from George Soros is, "It is not too important to say that this is true or false, but more important is the extent to which you can earn money when you do the right thing and how much money you lost when you made a mistake ". With the description just now, you should be able to understand the difference between investors and speculators clearly so that you can then decide yourself, whether acting as an investor or as a speculator. Questions about whether you are an investor or speculator is a question of your own psychological aspect.
Which Currency Pair Recognize You Play & time-time to make trades before you trade you remember the discussion in front of the familiar direct and indirect is not it? For example: Pair GBP / USD is a pair Direct (GBP versus USD), euro weakened then the graph will go down. Forex trading does take place 24 hours non-stop start running from the Australian market at around 4:00 pm Early morning and then went on opening the Japanese market from 07:00 am morning forwarded europe market opening at 14:30 pm and ends the evening on the markets Americans are open at 20:30 pm the night and closed around 4:30 am early morning hours. Based on experience, the role of time or very influential trading session on the final result we win or lose. At first glance the outline goes flat prices on all morning until late afternoon when the western part of Indonesia. New on the European market session prices began to squirm and usually are formed and a peak in the U.S. market session. At the session of the American market there are great opportunities to earn great profits with a short time as long as we can position themselves appropriately.
• Hours 5:00 a.m. to 09:00 a.m Effects Asia, pairnya = USD / JPY, GBP / JPY, AUD / USD, EUR /
• Hours 1:00 p.m to 05:00 p.m Effects Europe, pairnya = EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / CHF,
• Hours 1:00 p.m to 05:00 p.m Effects Europe, pairnya = EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / CHF,
• Hours 7.00 p.m to 00.00 America Securities, pairnya = USD / JPY, AUD / USD, EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / CHF, NZD / USD
• Hours 7.00 p.m to 00.00 America Securities, pairnya = USD / JPY, AUD / USD, EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / CHF, NZD / USD
then the question arises, in a week any day pairnya greatest movement? It turned out on Tuesday and Wednesday the movement of the European session pipsnya very large movements, the pair USD / CHF ranks first followed by GBP / USD, USD / JPY and EUR / USD. But the influence rather than economic calendar will also affect the price movement of pair
Kamis, 15 Desember 2011
Paket Pembuatan Warnet dan Game Online
Silakan download disini jika Anda berminat untuk memulai usaha Warnet dan Gameonlien sebagai bahan referensi dalam memulai usaha tersebut semoga dapat membantu.
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Label: Peluang Usaha
MARKETIVA adalah perusahaan pialang perdagangan valuta asing internasional, profesional dan legal yang telah telah mendapatkan izin internasional dengan no. IBC CAP.291 REG.NO. 646819. Marketiva adalah sebuah website yang menyediakan sarana untuk bermain Forex secara Real, yang dimaksud real adalah segala apa yang anda lakukan mengikuti tata cara yang sama dengan yang ada di Bursa Forex sesungguhnya dan mengunakan data-data pergerakan mata uang secara real-time yang berubah terus setiap detiknya. Marketivamenyediakan layanan over-the-counter market making pada Forex, Funds, Indeks dan Komoditi; hadiah tunai $5, sehingga anda bisa segera memulai trading tanpa mendepositkan uang milik anda; trading pada 1% margin; zero-interest pada posisi-posisi open; tidak ada komisi market; desk virtual dan live pada satu account; variabel spread standar industri; berita-berita terbaru, alert pada peristiwa-peristiwa di pasar, saluran chating, support 24-jam, direct-trading charting tool yang canggih dan mudah digunakan, serta pengalaman trading online terbaik
Apa keuntungan menggunakan Marketiva?
Dengan Marketiva maka anda bisa bermain Forex dimana saja anda berada, selama ada komputer dan sambungan internet, baik itu di rumah, di kantor, di perjalanan, maupun di warnet. Selain itu anda tidak perlu berhubungan dengan para Broker maupun siapapun dalam melakukan transaksi, anda bebas menggunakan uang anda sendiri dan melakukan transaksi sendiri tanpa campur tangan pihak manapun dan tanpa harus membayar fee atau biaya jasa kepada siapapun. Anda bebas menentukan keuntungan yang anda inginkan dan bebas menghentikan transaksi yang sedang berjalan kapan pun anda inginkan. Sehingga resiko kerugian dapat dikurangi seminimal mungkin.
Keunggulan Marketiva
1. Membuka Account Gratis.
2. Mendapat $5 Gratis.
3. Hanya dengan $1 sudah bisa bertrading.
4. Keamanan yang sangat baik (No Scam).
5. Memperoleh Software untuk bertrading secara real time.
modal yang dibutuhkan untuk memulai trading forex online ini?
Tidak seperti pada perusahaan finansial pada umumnya yang mensyaratkan minimal 2500 US$ untuk pembukaan account reguler dan 250 US$ untuk account mini, di Marketiva, anda hanya membutuhkan uang sebesar 1US$ untuk dapat mulai trading forex online, bebas biaya komisi, bebas biaya penukaran, tidak ada bunga overnight (0% overnight interest), spread yang fleksible (bisa bergerak), pemberitahuan berita terbaru, alert dan kemampuan trading secara otomatis, dukungan live chat 24 jam nonstop (kecuali sabtu dan minggu) dan bahkan anda mendapatkan modal 5US$ secara cuma-cuma saat anda mendaftar pertama kali. Dengan kata lain, untuk memulai trading forex online di Marketiva adalah GRATIS!
Bagaimana cara transaksinya?
Ada 3 metode transaksi yang dapat digunakan di Marketiva, yaitu menggunakan e-currency; e-bullion, Liberty Reserve, e-dinar, webmoney atau international wire transfer (telegraphic transfer). Liberty Reserve, e-dinar, webmoney atau e-bullion adalah world wide money (e-currency) atau account transaksi anda di internet. Rata-rata e-currency ini menggunakan kurs emas atau logam mulia lainnya yang nilainya dikonversikan ke nilai mata uang US$ atau mata uang lainya. Setelah mempunyai account di e-currency tersebut, maka anda harus memiliki account di website exchanger Indonesia (e-exchanger) yang berguna untuk melakukan penukaran e-currency tersebut ke rupiah dan sebaliknya dari atau ke account bank anda di Indonesia. Untuk exchanger ini anda dapat menggunakan jasa dari tukarduid, juraganegold, medanegold ataupun prochanger yang kami rekomendasikan.
Bagaimana dengan keamanannya?
Marketiva menerapkan aturan 1 account per orang, jika sistem di Marketiva mendeteksi adanya 2 account yang berbeda namun dimiliki oleh orang yang sama, maka Marketiva berhak untuk membatalkan salah satu atau kedua account tersebut. Apabila ada anggota keluarga, saudara atau teman anda yang ingin bergabung dengan menggunakan komputer yang sama, mereka dapat membuat account baru, men-upload ID foto & alamat serta menkonfirmasikan kepada personal staff support kami (pada menu bagian live chat support software Streamster™). Marketiva berkomitmen untuk membantu pemerintah dalam memerangi segala bentuk praktek pencucian uang (money laundring) serta segala usaha tindak kejahatan melalui internet (cyber crime) lainnya. Semua account baru harus mendaftarkan ID foto & alamat dan mendapatkan konfirmasi bahwa dokumen yang dikirimkan sah sebelum dapat mulai melakukan online trading.
Dana nasabah yang dipegang oleh Marketiva disimpan dalam account terpisah pada institusi keuangan yang mempunyai peringkat AAA semata-mata untuk kepentingan klien dalam menjalankan aktivitas trading dan tidak pernah dicampur dengan modal operasional dari perusahaan. Withdrawal dari rekening bank tersebut hanya terjadi sebagai hasil langsung dari aktivitas trading nasabah atau karena adanya permintaan withdrawal yang dinyatakan sah.
Jika masih ingin mencoba, bolehkah membuka account demo terlebih dahulu?
Platform Marketiva menawarkan 2 macam pilihan desk pada 1 account, yaitu Virtual Trading dan Live Trading. Pada saat sign-up, anda mendapatkan US$ 10.000 uang virtual dan US$ 5 uang real. Jadi dengan hanya membuat 1 account, anda dapat belajar (mencoba-coba) trading terlebih dahulu menggunakan uang virtual pada desk Virtual Trading.
Marketiva tidak membedakan antara account demo dan account live. Ketika anda membuka sebuah account, anda akan mendapatkan satu live trading desk dan satu virtual trading desk dalam account anda tersebut. Anda dapat menggunakan keduanya kapan saja. Membuat account baru adalah gratis dan bahkan anda akan mendapatkan reward sebesar $5, oleh karena itu anda bisa langsung melakukan trading pada pasar yang sesungguhnya segera setelah account anda selesai dibuat. lagi pukul 18.00.
Kapan dan dimana saja dapat melakukan trading?
Karena online, maka anda dapat log-in ke account Marketiva anda kapanpun dan melakukan trading dari tempat manapun diseluruh penjuru dunia yang mempunyai akses ke internet. Anda dapat melakukan trading dari Minggu 17:00 sampai Jum'at 17:00 Waktu New York. Untuk virtual trading bisa setiap waktu. Silahkan lihat untuk melihat konversi waktu New York. Jadwal-jadwal market berikut adalah berdasarkan waktu New York: Pasar forex Jepang dibuka pada 19.00 kemudian diikuti oleh Singapura dan Hong Kong yang buka pada 21:00. Pasar Eropa dibuka di Frankfurt pada jam 2.00, sedangkan London satu jam kemudian. Pasar forex New York buka pada 8.00 (NYSE buka pada 9.00). Pasar Eropa tutup pada 12.00 dan pasar Australia buka lagi pukul 18.00.
Mata uang apa saja yang diperdagangkan?
Kami menyediakan layanan spot forex trading untuk pasangan mata uang berikut: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, EUR/JPY, EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF, GBP/JPY, AUD/JPY, CHF/JPY, GBP/CHF, EUR/CAD, EUR/AUD, AUD/CAD. Kedepannya mungkin akan ada instrument lain yang akan ditambahkan.
Mata uang yang paling sering diperdagangkan atau yang paling liquid adalah mata uang dari negara-negara dengan pemerintahan yang stabil, bank central yang disegani, dan tingkat inflasi yang rendah. Saat ini lebih dari 85% dari transaksi harian melibatkan perdagangan dari mata uang major, yang termasuk di dalamnya adalah U.S. Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar dan Australian Dollar.
Apa keuntungan menggunakan Marketiva?
Dengan Marketiva maka anda bisa bermain Forex dimana saja anda berada, selama ada komputer dan sambungan internet, baik itu di rumah, di kantor, di perjalanan, maupun di warnet. Selain itu anda tidak perlu berhubungan dengan para Broker maupun siapapun dalam melakukan transaksi, anda bebas menggunakan uang anda sendiri dan melakukan transaksi sendiri tanpa campur tangan pihak manapun dan tanpa harus membayar fee atau biaya jasa kepada siapapun. Anda bebas menentukan keuntungan yang anda inginkan dan bebas menghentikan transaksi yang sedang berjalan kapan pun anda inginkan. Sehingga resiko kerugian dapat dikurangi seminimal mungkin.
Keunggulan Marketiva
1. Membuka Account Gratis.
2. Mendapat $5 Gratis.
3. Hanya dengan $1 sudah bisa bertrading.
4. Keamanan yang sangat baik (No Scam).
5. Memperoleh Software untuk bertrading secara real time.
modal yang dibutuhkan untuk memulai trading forex online ini?
Tidak seperti pada perusahaan finansial pada umumnya yang mensyaratkan minimal 2500 US$ untuk pembukaan account reguler dan 250 US$ untuk account mini, di Marketiva, anda hanya membutuhkan uang sebesar 1US$ untuk dapat mulai trading forex online, bebas biaya komisi, bebas biaya penukaran, tidak ada bunga overnight (0% overnight interest), spread yang fleksible (bisa bergerak), pemberitahuan berita terbaru, alert dan kemampuan trading secara otomatis, dukungan live chat 24 jam nonstop (kecuali sabtu dan minggu) dan bahkan anda mendapatkan modal 5US$ secara cuma-cuma saat anda mendaftar pertama kali. Dengan kata lain, untuk memulai trading forex online di Marketiva adalah GRATIS!
Bagaimana cara transaksinya?
Ada 3 metode transaksi yang dapat digunakan di Marketiva, yaitu menggunakan e-currency; e-bullion, Liberty Reserve, e-dinar, webmoney atau international wire transfer (telegraphic transfer). Liberty Reserve, e-dinar, webmoney atau e-bullion adalah world wide money (e-currency) atau account transaksi anda di internet. Rata-rata e-currency ini menggunakan kurs emas atau logam mulia lainnya yang nilainya dikonversikan ke nilai mata uang US$ atau mata uang lainya. Setelah mempunyai account di e-currency tersebut, maka anda harus memiliki account di website exchanger Indonesia (e-exchanger) yang berguna untuk melakukan penukaran e-currency tersebut ke rupiah dan sebaliknya dari atau ke account bank anda di Indonesia. Untuk exchanger ini anda dapat menggunakan jasa dari tukarduid, juraganegold, medanegold ataupun prochanger yang kami rekomendasikan.
Bagaimana dengan keamanannya?
Marketiva menerapkan aturan 1 account per orang, jika sistem di Marketiva mendeteksi adanya 2 account yang berbeda namun dimiliki oleh orang yang sama, maka Marketiva berhak untuk membatalkan salah satu atau kedua account tersebut. Apabila ada anggota keluarga, saudara atau teman anda yang ingin bergabung dengan menggunakan komputer yang sama, mereka dapat membuat account baru, men-upload ID foto & alamat serta menkonfirmasikan kepada personal staff support kami (pada menu bagian live chat support software Streamster™). Marketiva berkomitmen untuk membantu pemerintah dalam memerangi segala bentuk praktek pencucian uang (money laundring) serta segala usaha tindak kejahatan melalui internet (cyber crime) lainnya. Semua account baru harus mendaftarkan ID foto & alamat dan mendapatkan konfirmasi bahwa dokumen yang dikirimkan sah sebelum dapat mulai melakukan online trading.
Dana nasabah yang dipegang oleh Marketiva disimpan dalam account terpisah pada institusi keuangan yang mempunyai peringkat AAA semata-mata untuk kepentingan klien dalam menjalankan aktivitas trading dan tidak pernah dicampur dengan modal operasional dari perusahaan. Withdrawal dari rekening bank tersebut hanya terjadi sebagai hasil langsung dari aktivitas trading nasabah atau karena adanya permintaan withdrawal yang dinyatakan sah.
Jika masih ingin mencoba, bolehkah membuka account demo terlebih dahulu?
Platform Marketiva menawarkan 2 macam pilihan desk pada 1 account, yaitu Virtual Trading dan Live Trading. Pada saat sign-up, anda mendapatkan US$ 10.000 uang virtual dan US$ 5 uang real. Jadi dengan hanya membuat 1 account, anda dapat belajar (mencoba-coba) trading terlebih dahulu menggunakan uang virtual pada desk Virtual Trading.
Marketiva tidak membedakan antara account demo dan account live. Ketika anda membuka sebuah account, anda akan mendapatkan satu live trading desk dan satu virtual trading desk dalam account anda tersebut. Anda dapat menggunakan keduanya kapan saja. Membuat account baru adalah gratis dan bahkan anda akan mendapatkan reward sebesar $5, oleh karena itu anda bisa langsung melakukan trading pada pasar yang sesungguhnya segera setelah account anda selesai dibuat. lagi pukul 18.00.
Kapan dan dimana saja dapat melakukan trading?
Karena online, maka anda dapat log-in ke account Marketiva anda kapanpun dan melakukan trading dari tempat manapun diseluruh penjuru dunia yang mempunyai akses ke internet. Anda dapat melakukan trading dari Minggu 17:00 sampai Jum'at 17:00 Waktu New York. Untuk virtual trading bisa setiap waktu. Silahkan lihat untuk melihat konversi waktu New York. Jadwal-jadwal market berikut adalah berdasarkan waktu New York: Pasar forex Jepang dibuka pada 19.00 kemudian diikuti oleh Singapura dan Hong Kong yang buka pada 21:00. Pasar Eropa dibuka di Frankfurt pada jam 2.00, sedangkan London satu jam kemudian. Pasar forex New York buka pada 8.00 (NYSE buka pada 9.00). Pasar Eropa tutup pada 12.00 dan pasar Australia buka lagi pukul 18.00.
Mata uang apa saja yang diperdagangkan?
Kami menyediakan layanan spot forex trading untuk pasangan mata uang berikut: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, EUR/JPY, EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF, GBP/JPY, AUD/JPY, CHF/JPY, GBP/CHF, EUR/CAD, EUR/AUD, AUD/CAD. Kedepannya mungkin akan ada instrument lain yang akan ditambahkan.
Mata uang yang paling sering diperdagangkan atau yang paling liquid adalah mata uang dari negara-negara dengan pemerintahan yang stabil, bank central yang disegani, dan tingkat inflasi yang rendah. Saat ini lebih dari 85% dari transaksi harian melibatkan perdagangan dari mata uang major, yang termasuk di dalamnya adalah U.S. Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar dan Australian Dollar.
10 business ideas from the internet
Can Anyone Make Money Online Working From Home?
Of course. Many thousands of people do. You might have friends or family members who make a living with a home-based Internet business already. The problem is that not everyone WILL make money online, because making money on the internet takes a long time to learn, and most people give up because it can be extremely frustrating.
With over 300,000 “Internet Home Business” related searches on the internet every month, it’s safe to say that there is a lot of demand for information on how to make money on the internet. Sadly, this also means that there are a lot of shady characters preying on this group of people.
I knew someone who fell for one of these scams once – they taught him how to make money online, and then all he did was sell seminars – on how to make money online. The fact that he had never actually made any money online was beside the point… I guess. Not surprisingly, I’m not a big supporter of his business.
you have a brilliant tech idea that makes venture capitalists drool (which means you don’t need this list), you need to determine where your strengths are and which business model you plan on following. I have run three home-based businesses in my life, all of which leveraged my current skill set as the foundation for building the business. Look over the following list and single out the ones in which you have at least some experience. You probably won’t have all of the skills necessary, so don’t let that stop you! All you have to do is work hard and be willing to learn.
* Internet Business Idea #1: Affiliate Marketing
What is it?Promote other company’s products and services on your website. When a sale is made, you get a commission.
Most important skills needed
PPC (Pay Per Click marketing), sales copywriting, web marketing
Best learning resources
Affiliate Classroom, ShoeMoney, Rosalind Gardner
Recommended Book
Make a Fortune Promoting Other People’s Stuff Online

* Internet Home Business Idea #2: Blogging
What is it?A chronologically based website filled with articles, reviews, or journal-style writing. You can sell advertising or incorporate affiliate marketing on a blog to earn money.
Most important skills needed
Copywriting, social networking, affiliate marketing, web marketing
Best learning resources
ProBlogger, Blogging for Dollars, Yaro Starak’s Blog Mastermind Program (highly recommended & he has a free report to download)
Recommended Book
ProBlogger, Secrets to Blogging Your Way to a Six Figure Income

* Web-Based Business Idea #3: eBay & Auction Selling
What is it?Selling or reselling products via an online marketplace like Ebay, Amazon Auctions, or Craigslist. You can sell used goods, buy goods wholesale, or use a drop-shipping service.
Most important skills needed
Merchandising, sales copywriting, customer service
Best learning resources
Ebay Learning Center, SaleHoo Training Center, JennyHow
Recommended Book
eBay 101: Selling on eBay For Part-time or Full-time Income, Beginner to PowerSeller in 90 Days

* Idea #4 for Internet Home Based Businesses: E-Commerce
What is it?Selling products or a technology-based service on your own website.
Most important skills needed
All of the above, below and then some!
Best learning resources’s Online Business Startup Guide
Recommended Book
The Complete E-Commerce Book: Design, Build and Maintain a Successful Web-Based Business

* Internet Home Business Idea #5: Arts & Crafts
What is it?Creating and manufacturing your own product lines and selling them online.
Most important skills needed
Creativity, sales, e-commerce
Best learning resources
Sparkplugging’s CraftBoom, Craft Business 101 Series, Barbara Brabec
Recommended Book
The Crafts Business Answer Book: Starting, Managing, and Marketing a Homebased Arts, Crafts, or Design Business

* Home Business Idea for Web Workers #6: Internet Research Business
What is it?Doing internet research for corporations, law firms and other small businesses.
Most important skills needed
Librarian-style research skills, customer service
Best learning resources’s Information Consultant Startup Guide
Recommended Book
Building & Running a Successful Research Business: A Guide for the Independent Information Professional by Mary Ellen Bates

* Idea #7 for Working From Home on the Web: Freelance Services
What is it?Providing professional services such as copywriting, design, photography, illustration, and programming usually billed on an hourly rate.
Most important skills needed
Sales, customer service, trade-specific knowledge
Best learning resources
Our Freelance Parent channel, FreelanceSwitch
Recommended Book
The Business Side of Creativity: The Complete Guide to Running a Small Graphic Design or Communications Business

* Work At Home Web Business Idea #8: Recruiting
What is it?Recruiting candidates for companies who pay a fee when a hire is made.
Most important skills needed
Sales, relationship building, networking
Best learning resources
RecruitersNetwork, HireAbility
Recommended Book
Start Your Own Executive Recruiting Business (Entrepreneur Magazine’s Start Up)

* Internet Business Idea #9: Consulting
What is it?Providing your specialized industry knowledge to corporations, entrepreneurs, investors or other businesses.
Most important skills needed
Trade-specific knowledge, sales, customer service
Best learning resources’s Consulting Business Startup Guide
Recommended Book
The Business of Consulting: The Basics and Beyond (CD-ROM Included)

* Web Business Idea #10: VA (Virtual Assistant)
What is it?Providing administrative and business support to other business owners and small businesses.
Most important skills needed
Customer service, organization
Best learning resources
VirtualAssistantStartups,’s Business Support Startup Guide, VirtualPABusiness
Recommended Book
The 2-Second Commute: Join the Exploding Ranks of Freelance Virtual Assistants by Christine Durst
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Label: Peluang Usaha
Rabu, 14 Desember 2011
Budidaya ikan lele merupakan salah satu peluang usaha yg cukup diperhitungkan saat ini. Apabila kita perhatikan banyak terdapat penjual pecel lele yg memerlukan pasokan ikan lele setiap harinya, hal inilah yg membuat permintaan ikan tersebut menjadi semakin tinggi di pasaran dan membuka potensi peluang usaha yg cukup menjanjikan. Ternak ikan lele relatif lebih mudah apabila dibandingkan dgn ikan air tawar lainnya seperti ikan mas atau mujair karena lebih tahan terhadap penyakit maupun kondisi lingkungan. Berikut ini adalah gambaran secara umum tentang cara budidaya ikan lele
Pembenihan Lele.
Adalah budidaya lele untuk menghasilkan benih sampai berukuran tertentu dgn cara mengawinkan induk jantan dan betina pada kolam-kolam khusus pemijahan. Pembenihan lele mempunyai prospek yg bagus dengan tingginya konsumsi lele serta banyaknya usaha pembesaran lele.
Sistem Budidaya
Terdapat 3 sistem pembenihan yg dikenal, yaitu :'
1. Sistem Massal. Dilakukan dgn menempatkan lele jantan dan betina dalam satu kolam dgn perbandingan tertentu.
2. Sistem Pasangan. Dilakukan dgn menempatkan induk jantan dan betina pada satu kolam khusus.
3. Pembenihan Sistem Suntik (Hyphofisasi).
Dilakukan dgn merangsang lele untuk memijah atau terjadi ovulasi dgn suntikan ekstrak kelenjar Hyphofise, yg terdapat di sebelah bawah otak besar.
Pembesaran Lele Kolam Terpal

Keuntungan lainnya dari kolam terpal ini yaitu kolam mudah dibongkar pasang, sehingga bisa dipindah tempat jika kondisi cuaca sedang tidak bersahabat. Selain itu kondisi air kolam juga lebih terkontrol kebersihannya.
Adapun estimasi untuk biaya untuk budidaya lele ini adalah:
Modal Awal
3 buah terpal ukuran 2 x 3 meter
(@ Rp 150.000 x 3) : Rp 450.000
Peralatan tiang kolam
(bambu, kayu tiang, dan paku) : Rp 300.000
Selang air 20 meter : Rp 50.000
Ember /baskom besar 3 buah : Rp 30.000
Total : Rp 830.000
3 buah terpal ukuran 2 x 3 meter
(@ Rp 150.000 x 3) : Rp 450.000
Peralatan tiang kolam
(bambu, kayu tiang, dan paku) : Rp 300.000
Selang air 20 meter : Rp 50.000
Ember /baskom besar 3 buah : Rp 30.000
Total : Rp 830.000
Biaya Operasional
Bibit lele (@ Rp 350,00 x 3000 ekor) : Rp 1.050.000
Pakan : Rp 600.000
Biaya transport : Rp 100.000
Biaya lain – lain : Rp 50.000
Total : Rp 1.800.000
Bibit lele (@ Rp 350,00 x 3000 ekor) : Rp 1.050.000
Pakan : Rp 600.000
Biaya transport : Rp 100.000
Biaya lain – lain : Rp 50.000
Total : Rp 1.800.000
Penjualan hasil panen (Rp11.000,/kg x 300 kg): Rp 3.300.000
Penjualan hasil panen (Rp11.000,/kg x 300 kg): Rp 3.300.000
Laba bersih
Rp 3.300.000 – Rp 1.800.000 = Rp 1.500.000,
itu analisa usaha untuk usaha budidaya lele secara garis besar.SELAMAT MENCOBA
Rp 3.300.000 – Rp 1.800.000 = Rp 1.500.000,
itu analisa usaha untuk usaha budidaya lele secara garis besar.SELAMAT MENCOBA
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Label: Peluang Usaha
Selasa, 13 Desember 2011
Business Without this Capital
Business Without this Capital
Bisnis a side business that is appropriate for you, housewives, one of which is to become a dealer / distributor of a product of certain goods. Speaking of household needs, it would not be separated from the container or food storage areas. One product that is able to accommodate it well is Tupperware. Tupperware is an international company headquartered in Orlando, Florida United States, was founded by Mr.. Earl Tupper, a chemist from the United States, in 1938. Tupperware products have major advantages in the Seal or the lid is pretty tight, catchy design, environmentally friendly material that follow the standard FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) as well as a lifetime warranty (Life Time waranty). With these specifications, Tupperware has its own market share, especially among mothers, housewives, children and career woman. That way you are, the housewife, may have a promising sideline income from the environment of your community. How to begin? How much capital should you spend? The following are tips to start a successful Business Without such capital:
1. Become a Member.
The first step you should do is become a member Tupperware. By becoming a member you have many advantages, including the latest product update info, sales bonuses, special discount and possible career paths. All you have to do is register with Tupperware distributor or dealer in your area, then you simply hold Announcement Party with sales reached Rp. 750.000, - then you will get the Kit Bag to start your business for free. Easy enough right?
The first step you should do is become a member Tupperware. By becoming a member you have many advantages, including the latest product update info, sales bonuses, special discount and possible career paths. All you have to do is register with Tupperware distributor or dealer in your area, then you simply hold Announcement Party with sales reached Rp. 750.000, - then you will get the Kit Bag to start your business for free. Easy enough right?
2. Understanding the Product.
As a dealer, it is advisable to study and understand the products you will offer, including the types and prices, as well as the use and maintenance mechanisms. You also need to understand that you, as the dealer will provide a lifetime product warranty damage to the customer (tupperware lifetime waranty), except for damages caused by maintenance errors such as broken because of a blow, bite marks, cuts knives, curved because of the heat. This will benefit your customers.
As a dealer, it is advisable to study and understand the products you will offer, including the types and prices, as well as the use and maintenance mechanisms. You also need to understand that you, as the dealer will provide a lifetime product warranty damage to the customer (tupperware lifetime waranty), except for damages caused by maintenance errors such as broken because of a blow, bite marks, cuts knives, curved because of the heat. This will benefit your customers.
3. Direct Selling.
You can start it from your immediate environment, such as family, friends and neighbors. You can contact them beforehand to make an appointment, as well as catalogs and goods bawahlah Tupperware products when visiting.
You can start it from your immediate environment, such as family, friends and neighbors. You can contact them beforehand to make an appointment, as well as catalogs and goods bawahlah Tupperware products when visiting.
4. Doing Tupperware Home Party.
Tupperware Home Party is one way Tupperware provided to help you sell your products is through the sale by way of demonstration of home-to-house. You simply convey an invitation to your colleagues to come up at the event in your home. This method is very effective. The method was first introduced by a woman named Brownie Wise in 1951. So since then, Tupperware was officially pulled from the store and all products sold only through the home party system.
Tupperware Home Party is one way Tupperware provided to help you sell your products is through the sale by way of demonstration of home-to-house. You simply convey an invitation to your colleagues to come up at the event in your home. This method is very effective. The method was first introduced by a woman named Brownie Wise in 1951. So since then, Tupperware was officially pulled from the store and all products sold only through the home party system.
5. Doing Home Party 'Mistress of the House'.
This method is a development of Tupperware Home Party. With this method, you give your colleagues a chance to become the host of Tupperware Home Party, where the host will gain a Party Gift.
This method is a development of Tupperware Home Party. With this method, you give your colleagues a chance to become the host of Tupperware Home Party, where the host will gain a Party Gift.
6. Money Management.
This is what a business without capital. Because in this Tupperware business, you will not be charged in addition to member registration, payment of your goods to the distributor can you do after customer make a payment (after the goods you sell). Place your own money with the proceeds of tupperware business separately. Save all payments in special accounts for tupperware.
This is what a business without capital. Because in this Tupperware business, you will not be charged in addition to member registration, payment of your goods to the distributor can you do after customer make a payment (after the goods you sell). Place your own money with the proceeds of tupperware business separately. Save all payments in special accounts for tupperware.
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Label: Peluang Usaha
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