Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Water to Earth Asteroids

Water that freezes in the asteroid probably a more fair than ever seen before, according to new research that will help support the idea that an asteroid brought the key of life to Earth.Asteroid Membawa Air ke Bumi

Ice water and organic molecules that help the formation of the basis of life has been discovered on the second asteroid 65 Cybele is called by astronomers.
The findings were reported in a meeting of planetary scientists in Pasadena, where the scientists say that the existence of the ice supporting the theories that say that life on Earth originated from outer space after brought here by asteroids.
The researchers get the same discovery in April this year when they found the first evidence of ice on the asteroid named Themis 24.
Both this and the discovery last asteroid discovered in the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter.
"These findings indicate that part of our solar system contains more water ice than expected," said Professor Humberto Campins who is an astronomer at the University of Central Florida who led the team of researchers said as quoted by the Telegraph.
"This supports the theory that asteroids hitting Earth may well bring the water supply and building blocks of life to form and evolve on our planet."
Professor Campins presented his findings at the annual meeting of the Science Division of the American Astronomical Society Planet in Pasadena, California.
65 Cybele asteroids with a diameter of 289 km slightly larger than the diameter of the asteroid 24 Themis 199 km.

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