Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Merangkai Janur

Merangkai Janur
Seni merangkai janur dalam Masyarakat Jawa yaitu Dekorasi janur yang biasanya sering kita lihat dalam acara Panggih Manten, yang terdiri yaitu pembuatan Kembar Mayang, Gagar Mayang/Mayang Sari dan Umbul-umbul/penjor. Untuk mempelajari cara membuat janur pernikahan atau cara membuat janur kuning ini diperlukan ketelatenan, ketekunan dan niat untuk maju, jangan pantang menyerah sebelum bisa mendapatkan hasilnya, karena belajar merangkai janur memang susah susah gampang.
Alat alat yang dibutuhkan untuk cara membuat janur pernikahan yaitu
1. Pisau Kecil ( Pemes ) atau cutter.
2. Steples.
3. Isi Steples.
4. Jarum Pentul.
5. Paku.
6. Benang Kasur.
7. Janur ( 7 Papah ) untuk pembuatan kembar mayang, mayang sari dan umbul-umbul.
8. Gedebog Pisang.
9. Tempolong/Bokor.
10. Panduan membuat janur untuk Hiasannya :
- Buah-buahan : Semangka, nanas, jeruk, tomat, salak, pisang. Wortel, lombok, slobor.
- Bunga Hidup : Kenikir, dahlia, aster. Gladiol, persi, asparagus/hartek, sedap malam.
Jenis jenis model dekor janur
1. Kembar Mayang
dalam acara resepsi pernikahan cara membuat janur Kembar Mayang ini dibuat 2 (dua) buah yang sama jenisnya, Kembar Mayang ini melambangkan bahwa Pengantin harus sama perasaan, hati dan kehendaknya nasalahnya 2 (dua) orang jadi satu. Bagian-bagian kembar Mayang adalah :
- Tatakan
- Awak
- Mahkota
2. Mayang Sari / Gagar Mayang
Mayang sari/gagar mayang adalah hiasan janur yang biasanya ditempatkan di samping kanan dan kiri kursi Pelaminan, biasanya cara membuat janur Mayang sari ini tingginya kira-kira 180 cm, jumlahnya 2 buah, bentuknya boleh sama dan boleh tidak tergantung selera sipembuat, dan pada bagian ujung atas dihias dengan dengan buah-buahan atau bunga hidup. Bagian bagian Mayang Sari / Gagar Mayang
- Mahkota, Berisi hiasan kipas, buah-buahan/bunga hidup.
- Badan bagian atas
- Badan bagian bawah ( berbentuk bulat )
- Tatakan bawah
3. Umbul umbul / Penjor
Umbul-umbul / penjor atau layur biasanya dipasang di depan rumah atau didepan gang masuk menuju tempat hajatan, Umbul-umbul ini sebagai pertanda bahwa disitu ada hajatan/ acara resepsi, Pada Prinsipnya cara membuat janur umbul-umbul ini sama prinsipnya dengan pembuatan Kembar mayang atau mayang sari, hanya bedanya terletak pada medianya saja, Kalau Umbul-umbul dibuat pada sebatang bambu yang panjangnya sampai ujung.

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Reasons why you deserve to succeed

1. The magic continues

Have you ever seen a world record? Why did that happen? Others do not is because the event was fantastic and arguably unreasonable. But in fact it's really happening in this world. And great-record old record kept falling by a record-a new record. This proves how powerful the human potential in creating a miracle. We do not know to which extent the ability of our true self as a miracle kept happening.

2. Success is not a luxury

Whether success will only be owned by the rich, who have a mountain of money, which have large capital and abundant wealth? Think again. There have been many examples and evidence where the people who used to be commonplace, even life can be difficult but ultimately successful. In America alone, the survey showed more than 80% of wealthy people are self-made millionaire from zero alias rich or own a business, rather than inherited their parents.

3. God never stamp you succeed or fail

Once we are born, God never gives stamp on your head if you will be successful or loser. But we are given the ability to choose. And the choice we make that will determine who we are in the future. Success or failure is not determined by someone else or anything else, but yourself. You succeed because it's your choice. You also fail because the choices you make. So, what are your options?

4. Had a lot to prove

Anyone has the right to live successfully. This has been proven all people from various backgrounds, professions and backgrounds, rich poor, young and old, men and women of all others have been successful. Just read the stories of people who have been successful. You will know that they come from different backgrounds. Thus, one might say that success is not for certain people only. Everyone is given equal opportunity to succeed.

5. Humans were given unlimited potential

In ancient times, human life limited. But human life is progressing slowly. Even once we never thought we could live in the era of the all powerful as it is today. Why is that? Others do not is because the human mind. Enormous human potential is almost unlimited so that humans could create a much better change from time to time.

Anyone who once thought there were things that could fly? Who would have thought go into space is that possible? Who would have thought that talking to people from a considerable distance is possible? Previously not possible. But now, it's all normal. With the unlimited human potential, we do not know what else will happen in the future.

6. Many sources of learning

In the old days, if you want to succeed, we must try it yourself through trial and error. First, there is no training and motivational seminars, self-development books, audio motivation, mentoring and other sources. First, it's all hard to come by. But now we can get and access it as easy as eating and drinking. Seminars, training, books and other self-development tools can accelerate our success because they are all the result of experience over the years stated in the form of books, seminars and training. So, we do not have to fumble and caught a time consuming process. All of them can we absorb knowledge and gusto, and we can use to achieve our success. Incredible, right?

7. You are very valuable

We are really valuable. You should have achieved something worthwhile in this life. It is appropriate that you get what you deserve. You are unique, no one exactly like you in the past and there will not be the same person just like you in the future. That's for sure.

Do you know why antiques and limited edition it is very expensive? Due to limited numbers. You even your most valuable because only one in this world. so, do not humble themselves and do not make yourself feel inferior. You deserve success. Do not say you do not deserve. Because we are created equal. You are the one who always judge what is appropriate and do not you deserve.

With the 7 reasons listed above, especially the reasons that will hinder your success? Should not be there! Let stand for your dreams and fly as high as the sky and as deep as the ocean selamlah to achieve anything as long as you dare not dream of. (artikel andri wongso)

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